Une plate-forme de formation gratuite au langage ADA.
Les erreurs de débutants (ou pas) en Python.
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CodernityDB is opensource, pure Python (no 3rd party dependency), fast (really fast check Speed if you don’t believe in words), multi platform, schema-less, NoSQL database. It has optional support for HTTP server version (CodernityDB-HTTP), and also Python client library (CodernityDB-PyClient) that aims to be 100% compatible with embedded version.
Développement d'applis en Python sous Android
Framework Python de développement d'applications graphiques multi-plateformes (OSX, IOS, Android, Windows, Linux, BSD) gérant le multi-touch.
Dive Into Python 3 covers Python 3 and its differences from Python 2. Compared to Dive Into Python, it’s about 20% revised and 80% new material.