One of the big lie's of the Internet is that "email is hard and you shouldn't do it yourself".
Filters examples inside...
SimpleLogin est à la fois un service d'alias de courriels et une plate‑forme totalement libre (sous licence MIT) que l’on peut auto‑héberger. Tout le code est fourni, jusqu’aux extensions pour les navigateurs web, et tout est documenté pour que vous puissiez l’installer. Et la documentation est elle‑même… libre !
The main idea is that smtpctl spf walk will read a list of domains from stdin and output a list of IP addresses and ranges to stdout, allowing it to be used in scripts, to generate file lists, or to be piped directly into pfctl to feed a table.
The title of this post should be "Spam Filtering on OpenSMTPD", but i didn't want to define the my home page with that word. Running an e-mail server is a challanging and low-reward task, so we need to keep this as simple as we possibly can. This is I classify mail using SpamAssasin these days.